Buena Vista FM 'The Global Vibration' in Japan

The Hook Line and Sinker Nation

Episode 64

"Holler! and Send us a Text Message."

Living in a world where many things are not always as they seem, and when things that are too good to be true, actually Are! Too Good To Be True!!!…we are left with the scenario of false advertisement and situations that preys on our better judgement to trust and go with the flow, until it’s too late. Were you ever bamboozled or taken for a ride?! Well...disspair not, DR TAINO and Da Luv DJ are blowing the whistle and raising the alarm...Quick Fast!!!! So hold on tight!!!!!! Its gonna be a bumpy and informative ride!

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Buena Vista FM is an Original - New Episodes are available when the "Stars Align" LOL So!!! Please get in touch and share your experiences, comments, or topic requests. >> Email: info@buenavistafm.com

Call to Action: "No one became poor from giving or empowering someone. Therefore, we would like to appeal to each listener's humanity, to try and help those lesser, the truly needy, vulnerable, frail, hungry, and destitute in a self-sustainable way, and Anonymously where possible. That way we can change our immediate world, eventually the planet, one life at a time?"

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