Buena Vista FM 'The Global Vibration' in Japan
Buena Vista FM 'The Global Vibration' in Japan
The Wooden Plank & Tree Nation
"Holler! and Send us a Text Message."
Most would agree, that if change is for the better, then such a change is good, however, what happens if someone is stuck in their ways, like a meaningless plank, by refusing to evolve unto betterment without the willingness to grow, adapt, or change with the seasons of life? Is self-imposed ignorance, mediocrity, and inertia the wisest of choices to knowingly and willingly remain unchanged? Is playing it safe or shutting yourself into a routine of habitual behavior the way to exist, live, thrive, or survive?! This and a whole bag of chips when Da Luv DJ and DR. Taino open this can of worms. So! Strap In!!!! Cuz Here they Go Again!!! unscripted and unrestricted, Only on Buena Vista FM!
Buena Vista FM is an Original - New Episodes are available each week or when the Stars Align :-) Please get in touch and share your experiences, comments, or topic requests. >> Email: info@buenavistafm.com
Call to Action: "No one became poor from giving or empowering someone. Therefore, we would like to appeal to each listener's humanity, to try and help those lesser, the truly needy, vulnerable, frail, hungry, and destitute in a self-sustainable way, and Anonymously where possible. That way we can change our immediate world, eventually the planet, one life at a time?"
Ways To Help >>> https://thehumancause.org/